
Endless sky shields up
Endless sky shields up

endless sky shields up

Some even came with a magic pen that revealed answers. She’d get me one of those little books at a gas station that came with a pen and had all sorts of fun things DO inside. Seeing that kid up there reminded me of how my mother managed to keep me amused on road trips when I was little. I was trying to come up with a way to share a bit of what I’d learned when it came to sketching and painting, but all of the usual approaches didn’t feel like a good fit for me.

endless sky shields up

More than that, it made me think very differently about something I’d been struggling with at the time. But, I saw that kid scribbling up there and it made me smile. It was such a brief moment, and could have easily looked like a moose running through a department store to someone else. That’s what I saw at first, and then the clouds began to blow in a different direction and the child disappeared. Once, when I staring into the sky around this time last year, one cluster of clouds looked like a child scribbling in a notebook. Or, maybe just something crazy and impossible, but either way, there’s never a drawback to taking some time to dream big. This is how we can sail past the clouds and come up with something new and inventive. Indeed, these thoughts are often not grounded in any sort of reality at all. That’s why the term blue sky is often applied to a way to think more creatively and without any limits or constraints.

endless sky shields up

It’s usually an animal of some kind, but sometimes it can be a mountain range or a spaceship. I can never look at a big puffy cloud and simply see only a cloud. The kind that when you tilt your head just right become big rabbits, squirrels or dragons! Or, at least, that’s what my imagination would make of them. Not totally clear, but with big puffy clouds that I loved examining when I was a child. While I do adore the amazingly colorful sunsets where I live, I have to admit that a bright blue sky is still my favorite. For our prompt of “Skies” today, I decided to do a quick sketch of a little bee-eater admiring one.

Endless sky shields up